Sunday Worship
The Central Task of the Church
Worship is the central task of the church. We were created in God’s image, which means we are hard-wired to be in fellowship with God and with one another. Therefore, gathered worship is at the center of the Christian life because it is around the Lord’s table that we enjoy this fellowship and get a foretaste of our eternal destiny.
Location and Service Time
Main Service
125 Henry Street
Brooklyn NY 11201
Sundays @ 4:30pm
What is your service like?
Our worship is structured around the historic practices of the church. Our services are participatory and full of singing, scripture reading and prayer, with a 15-minute sermon and the Eucharist (which we celebrate every Sunday).
Following the service, there are always light refreshments or meal, during which time people hang out and get to know one another, and the staff and leaders are available for questions, counsel and prayer.
Questions & Answers
What do you have for kids?
Throughout the service, we have a staffed nursery for infants and toddlers. During the service, children ages 3-3rd grade are welcome to attend CTKids, an age-appropriate time of worship and instruction, before returning for the Eucharist. That being said, Christian worship is a family meal and we expect kids to act their age, so worship is always going to be a noisy and joyous event.
What kind of music do you have?
We use many different kinds and styles of music in our worship. Some pieces we sing were written in the last few months and others are classic hymns sung for centuries throughout the Church.
I’m not a religious person, can I still come?