What We Believe
Do Justice.
Love Mercy.
Walk Humbly.
Christ the King envisions a thriving city blessed by the presence of Jesus in his people. To realize this vision, we must be a church rooted in Jesus, growing in love, and serving our neighbors.
Identity: We are a church rooted in Jesus because He has invited us to participate in the unfolding story of salvation revealed to us in the Bible.
Formation: We are a church growing in love because Jesus promises to abide with us and make us more like Him.
Mission: We are a church serving our city and seeking the common good because Jesus loves the world and gave His life for the sake of our neighbors.
While ours is a vision shared with countless churches throughout history and around the world, it is uniquely embodied in the worship and work of Christ the King. We hope you will join us as we explore and experience what God is doing in and through our church to establish His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
Worship. Above all, Christ the King is a worshiping community that gathers together in the presence of Jesus to hear Him, feast with Him, and be sent out by Him. Sacramental worship is a weekly re-enactment of the Christian life that reinforces our identity as Jesus’ beloved community.
Community. In baptism, Christians are united to the eternal fellowship of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Therefore, our church is called to be a community of brothers and sisters who are committed to sharing the mystery of life together.
Discipleship. Because we are called to an ever-deepening relationship with Jesus, we must embrace those habits that lead to growth. And while these spiritual rhythms are not new (study, prayer, work, etc.), they are best done in community with others.
Hospitality. Because God is hospitable, as evidenced in creation, redemption, and consummation, those created in His image and redeemed by His son are called to welcome others into their homes and into their church. In particular, our church must be hospitable to people of all ages walking through all seasons of life.
Generosity. God loves a cheerful giver because God is a cheerful giver, holding back nothing from us, including His own Son. Therefore, our church must be marked by radical generosity.
Reparation. Jesus is repairing a broken world and reconciling it to Himself. Therefore, we have been called to the work of reparation. In particular, though not exclusively, our church must partner with other churches throughout the city to repair the wrongs that have been done to people of color. This will be long, difficult, and humbling work as we allow a diversity of brothers and sisters in our congregation and other churches to guide our work in this regard, but in doing so we will “seek the welfare of the city” and find our own (Jer. 29:7).